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The following letter was sent by a local parent to her Member of Provincial Parliament, Bill Walker and to her local Bluewater District School Board elected Trustee, David Mason. The reply from Mr. Mason follows.

My name is Laurie Stanyer, I am a parent of 5 students at CDCS ( Chesley District Community School). I have been working hard with a lot of parents during this Accomodation Review (ARC) process. I am sending you this email as I have recently become very concerned for the mental welfare of our students.

A friend of mine recently tried to set up a transition meeting with the school for her daughter coming back from the Trillium school in Milton Ontario. She was told she would have to set up this meeting with another school as Chesley will not be receiving high school students for September. My question is how is this possible when the vote has not even happened yet? The final recommendation goes to the trustees on April 4th 2017 and final vote is on the 18th of April 2017. Are things not suppose to run at status quo?

Now my grade 8 son attending CDCS was sent home his course selection for grade 9. He is so excited about starting his high school adventure!! He and I sat down and went through the courses and selected what would be best for him and I signed it and returned it to the school. Friday March 31, 2017 his grade 8 teacher pulled him aside and asked him what school he will be going to in September. My son, shocked by the question, said CDCS. Her reply was "No seriously, what school am I sending your course selection to?" He was crushed that he had to make that choice right there on the spot. How is this keeping things status quo or a stress free environment for our children? My son already has a IEP (Independent Education Program) for his severe Anxiety and Stress disorders and this is supposed to help him??

I am extremely angry. My children know what's going on as they go to the board meetings with me and they know that the final report hasn't even been put forth. How do I explain this to them? ....

I would like to know from you who do I go to next to report this because I will not let this be swept under the rug. This goes against every part of the ARC process and against the BWDSB's own regulations.

Please help the desperate parents that are afraid to stand up ... If not for them then for our children!

Thank you so much. Sincerely, Laurie Stanyer


Ms. Stanyer writes,  "I'm not sure exactly what I wanted for a response but I am sure this isn't it."


evening Ms Stanyer

Thank you for your email that expressed your concerns regarding the ARC process. You are correct that the final recommendation from senior staff goes before the Trustees April 4 of this week. You also note in your email that the decision regarding the ARC will be made on April 18.

I appreciate that you shared the information about the stress experienced by your son and in my opinion,it would be premature for anyone to suggest the outcome of this final vote.

If you have concerns regarding the ARC process, I would suggest that you consider generating a letter to the Minister of Education in Toronto. Her name is Mitzie Hunter.

Take care.

David Mason.



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