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On Aug.9th, the Osprey community centre was filled with people wanting to become more informed on the plan to close Simcoe County Road 91 and the negative impact this would have for everyone on both sides of the closure.

My phone did not quit ringing for days, both before and after the meeting and I am still getting calls every day, a week after the fact.

We learned that Walker Aggregates has what it needs to build a tunnel under County Road 91 as it has done in other areas of the province and that it would still tunnel to keep business up and running with no issue to continued public access to the road.

People came to talk about valid concerns that closing Road 91 will negatively affect EMS service from Clearview to Grey Highland's east end, safer winter travel, safety at intersections on surrounding small roads, business and local merchant profits, tourism and any faith that representatives actually represent the concerns of the people who voted them into place.

Meeting organizers await information, or lack thereof, on proper public process from both Clearview Township and Grey County Council, used to inform Grey Highlands Council and the public on both sides of Road 91 before deciding to close a major public east/west corridor from Simcoe County to Grey/Bruce County.

Grey Highlands has already sent letters of objection to the road closure and will be making a delegation to Clearview Township in September.

While Simcoe County and Clearview Township may save some money by downgrading the care and upkeep of what would be left of County Road 91, what kind of precedent is set if the closure of this important road actually comes to be? What gives a few the right to permanently close down access to a public road used by many? The next thing to ask yourself is this; will your road be next?

Lorrie Gillis
Grey Highlands


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