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breadToday I received a demand for a photo of my driver's license from Loblaws Corp. in order to prove that I am owed the $25 that Loblaws was willing to pay due to their price-fixing of the price of bread.

Here is my reply:

"I'm sorry but I am not about to provide your corporation with such personal information. You may call your system secure but I am not comfortable with that. I am sure that you understand.

I have shopped at our local Zehrs for over thirty years. Like most people we eat bread. Your company cheated us.

In Owen Sound we have a brand new Foodland and a very decent Metro. It is not like your store is our only choice. I am sure that I am not the only person who feels this way.

At one time Zehrs was the best choice for grocery shopping. Over the years your stocking has deteriorated - often shelves are empty of goods on sale and of ordinary items such as sugar, butter, yoghurt. The store is increasingly dirty. I have less reason to choose Zehrs.

When I applied for this rebate which would not even cover the hundreds of dollars that your store has overcharged for bread over the years there was no mention of my having to provide a photograph of my personal information. You have once again breached a contract that you made with me, the first being to not charge money for an item that was part of a price fixing scheme. To say that I am offended and annoyed is to put it politely.

As changing the conditions of a contract seems to be fine with your company I will change the one that I made with you. I do not withdraw my right to join in a class action suit which may be brought against your company. You can throw my application out. "

Katherine Mann Jensen
Owen Sound


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