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Our community of Paisley has much to celebrate! On June 19th, the Bluewater District School Board (BWDSB) held a vote that officially ended the Accommodation Review for Paisley Central School.  This long and difficult chapter has now closed, and Paisley can move forward, building on the momentum and growth in our area.
Since April 2017, the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie had been working with the BWDSB to reach a partnership agreement, which was finalized this June. The Municipality will lease two rooms in the school, to assist with any operating deficits for the next 5 years, unless the rooms are needed by the Board prior to that time due to increased enrollment. Additionally, in February 2018, the Board voted to use about $800,000 in Community Hubs Capital Funding towards capital work at Paisley Central School, which will be completed over the next two years beginning this summer. Because the lease agreement and the funding for the roof and other work is now in place, the recommendations made by the Board in April 2017 have been met, and our school is no longer scheduled for closure!
The community of Paisley worked together tirelessly over the past two years, spending countless hours advocating for our school. To each and every person who helped out in any way, THANK YOU!! This is truly an incredible place to live and raise a family.
Thank you to the Council and staff at the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie for their support of our community and school throughout the review, and for reaching a partnership agreement with the BWDSB. Thank you to the Board staff and Trustees, for securing capital funding and collaborating with our municipality, and determining that our school won't close as a result of this accommodation review.
Thank you to Bill Walker, who ensured the issue of rural school closures stayed front and centre at Queen's Park. Thank you to Pat Jilesen and the OFA (Ontario Federation of Agriculture) for so strongly supporting our school and community. Our AR Committee – Becky Maus, Clint McTeer, and Livingston Johnson – represented our community excellently through the process, and we thank you. Additionally, thank you to Pat Kelly, who worked diligently with the Board and Municipality over the past year to reach an agreement, for which we are so fortunate and grateful.
Finally, we would like to extend a special thank you to the teachers and staff at Paisley Central School. Every day you showed up and provided consistency and normalcy for our children in the times of uncertainty. Your commitment to our school community is so appreciated.
The PCSPO (Paisley Central School Preservation Organization) will be reaching out to donors in the near future to discuss making plans for any funds that have been donated or pledged. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the PCSPO.
We are so excited to see our community and school thriving. With the incredible growth that's already happening - and projected to only increase - we know that Paisley will continue to see the resulting impact on our economy and population. To keep updated about what's happening in Paisley, visit us on Facebook or on our website www.paisleyvillage.ca.

source: PCSPO


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