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os harbourHi,

I swim in the Owen Sound harbour from February to December every year.

Many children and teens also swim in it, particularly on hot days.

There are minnows breeding near the shore and various forms of marcoalgae such as elodea.

The recent expose on the carcinogens in core-samples from the harbour may be somewhat misleading as to the current water-quality. It is apparent they didn't actually test any of the surface water due to it's variability, though I would be willing to give a sample of my long hair
as it has been soaking up harbour water for years. Though I know it would give highly debatable evidence, if it shows few contaminants it would be a good sign for current water quality.

Sediment accumulates over time, and core-samples are a good way of looking back in time, at how things used to be. So at some point there were lots of boats, and many were spilling fuel, possibly with lead additives, or perhaps even some keel ballast that somehow became exposed.

With high water levels it has been a while since the harbour as been dredged, and so all the sediment has had time to become quite compact at the bottom. In all my years of swimming and jumping in the harbour I've never actually touched the bottom.

I think it would make sense to be very careful about granting any dredging permits in future, considering the carcinogenic toxins and lead that could be stirred up and spilled out into the rest of the Georgian bay, including our water intake. We don't want to be a Flint, Michigan.

Also if they do plan to do any dredging, should probably have to post signs notifying the public that they may be releasing large amounts of heavy metals and carcinogens into the water that have been safely resting undisturbed for years. Likely the granting of any such permit
should be preceded by a thorough consultation of the public as it could have serious implications for local fishing, the Salmon derby, swimming at nearby beaches and water quality.


Andrii (Logan) Zvorygin
Owen Sound


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