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I take people swimming at the Family Y who require support. We need to use the accessible change room in the family change room. The last two weeks have been horrendous for people barging in and trying to barge in.

Let me make this clear. If you don't need the accessible change room due to a disability and just want to use it for convenience with your kids, stay out of it. It's not for you. Wait your turn to use the other two toilets. Let me state that again. Stay out of the accessible changeroom unless you have a disability that requires the use of lifts or need the space for your equipment due to your disability.

I talked to other people who need to use it and this has been an ongoing issue and is getting worse.

Please teach your kids some respect and have some respect yourself for other people and their needs.

Niki Ormsby

When we go with our client, there are two staff, we use the shower, the lockers, the bathchair, the table and the floorspace for the wheel chair. It takes us 15+ minutes to shower, dry off, change, and dress after physio in the pool. Our client needs this time to maintain the little strength there is in their legs. It is necessary and vital for their health. Asking a little understanding and patience from others in the form of courtesy not to use the accessible change room unless needed should be a given!

Suzie Cochrane

Maybe they need to be kept locked and a key provided to the ones that truly need it. It is sad people just can't be respectful. I was at a park once with my granddaughter in her wheelchair. There was a little girl playing on the wheelchair swing. I asked her mother nicely to take her off so my granddaughter could go on and she told us to “wait our turn" for the only wheelchair swing, so her able-bodied child could play on it.... These rooms, swings parking spots etc. were put there for disabled people. Why on earth does someone with able bodies feel the need to use them?

Stephanie Power



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