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Ezra Levant, for anyone that does not know his name, is an employee of Sun Media. His commentaries appear in our local Sun Times and other Sun Media papers quite often. He also has his own show on the Sun News Network TV station called "The Source." He is a self proclaimed, extreme right wing conservative activist. His rants – especially against anything Liberal – are the stuff of legend.

Levant went off on one of his most bizarre tirades recently when he saw a photo of Justin Trudeau kissing a bride. His non-linear rant included calling Pierre Trudeau a "slut" and Margaret "not much better." I won't go on, but it actually got worse. Even for Ezra Levant, it was a new low.

All of this over a simple picture of Justin, posing with a bridal party. Even the bride's father protested in the media to set the story straight. As you might have expected, Justin was asked to pose with the bridal party and responded to a request to kiss the bride. He checked with both the bride and groom before kissing the bride on the cheek.

And yet Levant claimed that the kiss on the bride's cheek "invaded" her "personal, intimate day." That it was like "deflowering" the bride. I have been to many a wedding and it is common practice to give the bride a kiss on the cheek. Maybe Levant does not get invited to many weddings.

This is not the first time Levant has gotten into trouble with his irrational and spiteful rants. One of his most infamous ones is when - on air - he told a Chiquita Banana executive in Spanish to "go f*** his mother." Another time, he took aim at members of the Roma community.

Sun Media has apologized many times before due to Ezra's inane rants. And they apologized this time over the Justin fiasco. Quote - "It is the view of Sun News that this segment was in poor taste and should not have been aired. We understand why many viewers found the content and language of this segment offensive." "We apologize to Mr. Trudeau, his family and to our viewers." Really? Why was Levant himself not told to apologize?

Why was Levant not fired? If any one of us messed up so badly and had been the target of all the public backlash, would we have still held our jobs? How many times must Sun Media apologize for the inappropriate and obscene remarks from Levant. Will Levant do this again? Past history says yes. But the greater question is why would a reputable news network condone this ongoing infantile behaviour from one of its employees. Levant has become the poster boy for what is wrong with extreme right wing "yellow journalism" and narrow minded Conservative political views.

Sun Media harms its reputation by giving Levant a platform to vent his heinous, distorted and disturbing view of events.

Richard Hutchison
Georgian Bluffs


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