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Today my 3-week old baby boy had an appointment at the Family Health Team, and as I was leaving his appointment, this elderly lady came up to me. She looked rather upset and she started to tell me how she has a lot regular doctor appointments for her health conditions and she normally comes by herself. But today she had to have her husband escort her because she is so scared of the picketers and what they will do. She even had her husband park across the road because they don't want to risk damage to their vehicle, and she walked across and tried to walk far around all the picketers.

I told her how I used to support them as my husband used to work there but it started to get out of hand and my husband found a new job.  She thanked me for no longer being a part of this!

Just thought it would be another view ...I am a wife of a past custodian and my heart broke for this elderly lady today!

Shelby Goodwin

Owen Sound


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