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In promoting fluoridation, public health uses words in a way that confuses the community. Let's examine some of their statements.

Misleading statement No.1: "particularly beneficial to seniors"

Not true. After age eight no more fluoride is incorporated into permanent teeth because they have stopped developing. The rest of our lives we are swallowing fluoride which accumulates in our bodies and can cause chronic toxicities such as brittle bones and bone fractures. Fluoride's main action is topical,acting on teeth surfaces in the mouth. Ingested (swallowed) fluoride is minimally effective in stopping tooth decay.

Misleading dtatement No.2: Fluoride is natural

Natural does not mean safe. In high doses even public health admits that "too much fluoride is not good." It is not natural to add hydrofluorosilicic acid, a toxic unregulated waste chemical from the phosphate fertilizer industry, to our drinking water.

Misleading Statement No. 3: Essential element vs beneficial element

Fluoride is not classified as either an essential element or essential nutrient. An essential element is necessary for us to live and grow and we do not need fluoride to live and grow. The American National Academy of Science did describe fluoride as a beneficial element because it can be used to fight tooth decay (1999) but remember that the chief action of fluoride is topical and not ingested.

Misleading Statement No. 4: Stopping fluoride may increase tooth decay

There was no increase in tooth decay in European countries in the 1970s to 1990s when fluoridation was stopped. There was no increase in tooth decay in 1993 in Campbell River,BC when fluoridation was discontinued.

Misleading Statement No.5: "Fluoride is not a drug"

By definition a drug is a substance given to humans to prevent or treat disease. Fluoride is added to our drinking water to prevent tooth decay and therefore is being used as a drug. Ethically we should not be forced to take a drug which may not benefit us and which may harm us.

Misleading Statement No. 6: Fluoridation is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay

Based on the above reasons, adding fluoride to water is not safe and minimally effective in preventing tooth decay.

We must all be concerned about the social inequality of dental care for children of low-income families.There are better alternatives than fluoridation for these children without endangering the health of the community. Scotland stopped fluoridation in 2005 and started a program of visiting nurseries to teach teeth brushing and providing healthy snacks. The prevalence of tooth decay decreased 20-25 per cent and dental costs were significantly decreased. Children of low-income families deserve better.

1. fluoridefreewindsor.com
3.Canadians Opposed to Water Fluoridation at COF-COF.ca
4.Fluoride Action Network at FluorideAlert.org
5. Fluoridation Free Ottawa
Note that Windsor stopped fluoridation in 2013 and Waterloo in 2012. Kitchener had not fluoridated its drinking water for many years.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. David M. Ward
Owen Sound


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