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LGOntarioDear Editor:

Write to the Lt. Governor of Ontario asking her not to sign Premier Ford's legislation imposing the notwithstanding clause. There is no state of emergency to justify its use. She transcends politics, because our rights, being the basis of the law, also transcend politics; and in a constitutional monarchy, as the crown, she embodies us, the people of Ontario. 2.3 million people may have voted for Premier  Ford, but 14 million people live here! We are all entitled to treatment as one whole and Royal person, each and everyone of us, nothing less!

The constitution is our agile and  mobile fortress, meant to protect each of us. It does not bear within it the means to undermine itself. And the premier has no right to declare that he is a cause unto himself!

She may not have the power to set policy, or introduce legislation, nor direct the actions of the government, but as her body represents our bodies, she is positioned there to act as our Tribune, and without her signature, the bill  cannot become law.

Curtis James Healy
Owen Sound


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