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My response to "The one sided conversation is over"

The One Sided Conversation is Over NOT unfortunately.

We seem to be living in an era of righteous indignation where every political decision results in the entirely predictable groups of end of the free world protesters mobilizing to inform those less informed or insightful than themselves. Unfortunately this phenomenon has infected all sides of the political spectrum and has resulted in the demise of meaningful political debate and compromise. With the exception of those running for a position on Toronto City Council and the 1 to 2 percent of the citizens who consistently experience a weekly or monthly crises requiring the immediate intervention of their elected municipal representative no one cares. And yes, it appears as if Premier Ford rammed through this legislation as a way to settle a personal, decade old grudge.

Despite this fact; invoking the Not Withstanding Clause or simply threatening to do so will not lead to the end of life as we know it. The voice of the right of center voter has been suppressed for the past 15 years and now the pendulum will swing back and those on the left will scream and protest until their natural governing party is returned to power.

I lived in Toronto for 15 years and we survived Mel Lastman; more recently TO lived and thrived through the Rob Ford reality mini-series, so take a breath and look for some common ground with law abiding, hard-working neighbours or family members who have a different political compass than you.

The political polarization we have adopted from our southern neighbours only serves the smaller hard-lined element of the 35 to 40 percent of the electorate who voted for the governing party of the moment regardless if they are red, blue, orange or green.

Andy Underwood

Owen Sound


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