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all candidates meetingTo the Editor,

Last night I had the privilege attending an informative and well-managed All Candidates Meeting in Owen Sound. It was organized in a way that afforded maximum coverage of the issues as well as input from residents. Kudos to the candidates who came forward and to the Chamber of Commerce.

There was one disturbing event however which, in my view, should be noted. At one point, in answering a question directed at Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral candidates, Candidate for Deputy Mayor, Brian O'Leary somehow thought it acceptable to leave behind all fair play and civility, and launch into nasty, inappropriate and irrelevant criticism of a candidate for City Counsellor.

To his great credit, Owen Sound lawyer, arts supporter and benefactor, John Tamming, the target of O'Leary's animosity, responded calmly, expressing disappointment but never lowering himself to the level of his accuser.

I was distressed to witness this, but was buoyed by the disparaging reactions of the audience and other candidates. In my view, Mr. Tamming is owed a public apology.

Terri Hope
Owen Sound


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