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wind turbinesFrom the Office of Bob Yaciuk – Leader of the Trillium Party of Ontario

The Trillium Party of Ontario accepts and acknowledges that there is serious harm to human health involved with Industrial Wind Turbine (IWT) projects and will implement, in the Environmental Protection Act (EPA), the recognition of these health effects as stated and defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), as criteria for refusal and removal of IWT projects. This will also include amending the EPA and the Ontario Water Resources Act to include adverse effects to water, both surface and sub-surface.

The Trillium Party of Ontario has always believed health and the well being of Ontarians should be first and foremost on “Queens Parks” political agenda. To that end will also seek available legal means to remove the renewable energy contracts affecting the lives, health and financial viability of Ontario and the people who choose to live, work and raise their families in Ontario.

Time and again, the people of Ontario have challenged Industrial Wind Turbine (IWT) projects at the Environmental Review Tribunals, under the EPA. Due to the health effects caused by the wind turbines, as expressed, in the Official Publication of the College of Family Physicians of Canada:

“The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity… A 2010 report commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment concludes: .… [R]esearch has shown that annoyance associated with sound from wind turbines can be expected to contribute to stress related health impacts in some persons. …Family physicians should be aware that patients reporting adverse effects from IWTs might experience symptoms that are intense and pervasive and that they might feel further victimized by a lack of care-giver understanding. …symptoms as altered quality of life, sleep disturbance, excessive tiredness, headache, stress, and distress. Other reported effects include migraines, hearing problems, tinnitus, heart palpitations, anxiety, and depression”1

There are also other serious environmental and health risk issues, which the provincial government has/have not recognized and/or have not taken seriously, such as: water contamination from vibration, ice fling, stray voltage, all of which seriously harms human health. This is why the Trillium Party of Ontario will stand for the health and prosperity of the people of Ontario.

Bob Yaciuk
Leader Trillium Party of Ontario


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