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Owen Sound Campus

Dear Mr. Walker

How is the 10% cut in tuition going to be replaced in the finances of colleges and universities? More jobs lost? Fewer teachers and support staff?

This reminds me far too much of the Mike Harris era. I was Director of the local campus of Georgian College  back then and we had to fight hard to keep a post secondary campus here in Owen Sound.

When the colleges start feeling the pinch they all start to pull in and then all small campuses are vulnerable. It’s called survival. It is not healthy for rural Ontario, the very people who voted this government in.

Mr Walker,  this area needs you to maintain affordable access to postsecondary education here for those who are unlikely to move away. If you need people to tell you what happened in 1996 and later, I will be glad to meet with you and the people who remember.

It took a long time to recover.

Marie Knapp

Owen Sound

photo source: georgiancollege.ca


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