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Adult Male Female Grey Fox

Dear Sir,
As the past president of the Owen Sound Field Naturalists I have been directed by our membership to assert our opposition to any reduction in habitat protections for Species at Risk.

The link here is a message from Ontario Nature, endorsed by numerous organizations; it is thorough in outlining the perils for our natural heritage if Mr. Ford's policy is enacted.

Refusing to treat nature with respect, by not protecting those at risk, demonstrates an ignorance of our own human place in the natural web of life which sustains us. It is not only a moral imperative to protect this web, it is a vital imperative - as we allow species and their habitat to be damaged or destroyed, we reduce our own resilience.

In combination with climate instability this proposed change in legislation is courting disaster for all of us.

Please read the letter linked here; show that you do care and will work to protect and enhance the natural heritage (and air and water and soils) of Ontario.

Yours truly,
Kate McLaren
OSFN past-president


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