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mechanicAn open letter to the Minister of Education:

Dear Lisa,

You’ve ignored my other emails. But I thought I’d send you another email today, another voice from rural Ontario. Today, my husband, a 38 year old with three children, was told that he will not have a job in September. Many of my friends received devastating news as well.

These friends are not new graduates. Most are mid thirties and older, have children, responsibilities, mortgages, aging parents.. and have chosen a career working with Ontario’s youth. And today they received a blow. It’s been an emotional day for folks in this rural school board, your home school board, in your riding!

This blow comes from a government who has shown total disregard for its youth and the people that have chosen to work with them.

My husband is a transportation tech teacher. When he is not working in September that means that 6 less tech classes will run. That means that young people choosing a career in the trades won’t have access to auto and farm equipment class that my husband teaches. Tech is an elective class, one of the first to be cut in your “education plan.”

When tech is cut that means that students in rural Ontario won’t be able to take classes they need to learn how to fix tractors, weld, build sheds, work on small engines, cars, etc. Not sure what classes these very hands-on students will be forced to take, but I know that an online course will not teach them how to fix the brakes on my car.

Your cuts are not just hurting kids. All of us will suffer. School closures and packed classes will be the new norm. While Dougie enjoys his $1 beers and tailgating parties, this province will suffer. These effects will be devastating.

This is not a province that is a place to grow right now. It’s a province that is losing precious resources, ruining careers and killing opportunities for future generations. You’ve had a hand in all of this. Not sure who is going to fix your skid steer at your sheep farm. Hope you have a good shovel.

Edit: It’s goats, not sheep — I won’t pretend to know anything about goats. She shouldn’t pretend to know anything about education.
FordNation #nocutstoeducation

Becky Hoogenes
Clinton, ON


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