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wallet penniesDear Editor:

Today, May 28th, is World Hunger Day, a reminder that many people suffer from food scarcity.

It might be hard to believe for some, but Owen Sound has members of its community who do not have enough good food to eat on a regular basis. We like to think that food scarcity is a third-world problem, but it is on our doorstep as well. As I thought about food scarcity, I was dumbfounded to read an article in the Owen Sound Sun Times that covered a recent visit to our area by Education Minister Lisa Thompson and our own MPP, Bill Walker. Responding to criticisms of the government’s cutbacks, Minister Thompson is quoted as saying, "Every family in Ontario can find four cents on the dollar in their own household budget . . .” Seriously Minister? “Every family”? I have to wonder if Mr. Walker believes this as well?

There are families in our community who have to make decisions about every dollar they have - whether to pay rent or buy food or pay for hydro. They must choose. They have no disposable income. They need every penny. The Minister and our own MPP, Bill Walker seem to forget the dire poverty that a significant portion of our community suffers under. Four cents on the dollar is 4% of an amount that is already not enough to cover the most basic of costs of living in this town.

The Ford government constantly talks about government for “the people”. It is becoming clear that “the people” do not include those who most need help in our community. I’m thinking that the government can do better.

Thom McDonough
Annan, ON


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