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Ford560One year ago, on June 7th, 2018, the Doug Ford government was elected. Since then Ford and his Caucus have relentlessly and ruthlessly attacked public services and education in Ontario.

In marking the anniversary of this dark day and to bring attention to the profound level of Conservative attacks in Ontario, the Grey Bruce Labour Council wants to make sure people can track this damage to “civil” society being done by Ford and his accomplices.

The Ontario Federation of Labour, representing hundreds of thousands of workers in Ontario, has established the Ford Tracker. The Grey Bruce Labour Council, representing thousands of workers in our region urges everyone to track the damage being done to people, to our province and to our institutions by following the Ford Tracker at http://ofl.ca/power-of-many-ford-tracker-pc-cuts-and-privatization-to-date/

Thank you,

The Grey Bruce Labour Council


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