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listen learn leadDear Editor,

On June 7-9th myself and two other delegates, Michael VanHise and the PLA president Richard Suchow represented Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound at the Ontario Liberal Party AGM.
I have always been more involved federally; However, with the recent health care and education cuts Doug Ford has pursued I feel responsible for defending the interest of my fellow students at JDSS and the many people in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound who are dependent on a robust healthcare system. Over 1000 delegates gathered to debate party policy on the environment, health care, the economy, and education. Following the historic election defeat of the Ontario Liberal Party last June, rebuilding and discussing where and what we stand for was on the top of the to-do list. Given the particular financial and staffing state of the party, I was thoroughly impressed with the level of organization and the structure of this event. I have been to two national conventions as well as many regional conferences with the federal party, and this provincial AGM has been one of the most productive and engaging events so far. Being from a rural riding, I know there has been a significant disconnect between the rural voice of Ontario and the decision-making-process at Queens Park for many years now. The Ontario Liberal Party must do better to listen to the concerns of rural folk and then turn those concerns into effective policy. And now is the best time to start that as the party is actively listening and seeking input from across the province. We heard this weekend the concerns of other rural people speaking up, and this is a very encouraging sign. Among other things discussed was the leadership convention, which is set to be held on March 7, 2020. Now over the next nine months, liberals are going to reflect on what we want in a leader and what we believe the people of Ontario want as a premier.

I believe the Ontario Liberal Party needs a leader who values collaboration, fiscal prudence, and equality for all. For some time now, these values have been absent in provincial politics, and this needs to change for the benefit of all Ontarian’s. Overall the Ontario Liberal Party is in a good state, rebuilding and thinking about what they want to stand for, which is happening all across this province. There may be only 7 MPPs in the legislature; However, they are representing very well the over one million Ontarian’s who voted against the devastating cuts Doug Ford is pursuing. Ontario Liberals will always stand up for our public services that Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound residents rely on day to day.

Thank you,

Liam Kelly


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