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re: Calling out racism and hate, July 9

I am saddened and angered by the appearance of these hateful images and symbols being found posted in our community.
Recent anti-immigrant and anti-refugee sentiments are fueling the sparks of intolerance.

To see this type of behaviour in our community is cause for major concern.

I too share the concern that giving a voice through the media to these hate groups/individuals can have the opposite effect we desire. But we also as Canadians have a responsibility to stand up when we see behaviour in our communities that is wrong. This isn't right, and we cannot stand by as it happens. We have an obligation to stand up and speak out with conviction to counter racism, hatred and intolerance. Hate and discrimination spread like a virus, quickly becoming an epidemic of hatred and violence, out of control. We need to come together as people who refuse to allow these sentiments to propagate in our community.

The NDP stands in solidarity against racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and hate in all its forms. We call racism and discrimination by their names, not explain them away with excuses.

We believe that reconciliation with Indigenous peoples is an action policy, and that eliminating systemic discrimination means creating inclusive workplaces, communities, policies and laws.

I applaud the City of Owen Sound and stand behind our law enforcement as they work to keep the peace in our communities.

Chris Stephen and the Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound NDP

Chris Stephen is the NDP candidate for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound


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