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Dear Editor:

I read, with concern, the recent letter regarding the spraying of pesticides on Sauble Beach which was published in the Owen Sound Hub (Oct 6). This lead me to investigate the numerous pesticide signs along Grey County Road 15, north of the Owen Sound city limits through Hibou Conservation Area to Leith. Round-up was listed as the chemical used.

In 2015, the World Health Organization classified glyphosate (the key active ingredient in Monsanto’s Round-up) as "probably carcinogenic to humans" due to a growing body of research linking glyphosate to non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other cancers.

In August of 2019, a U.S. groundskeeper won a landmark lawsuit against Monsanto, saying his deadly form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma was due to years of exposure to the company's herbicide. Monsanto, and its German owner Bayer, now face more than 9,000 similar lawsuits.

water protection zoneThere are many warnings about the use of this chemical, to individuals using this product, and amongst many others, regarding application near water sources. It may affect fish and other creatures in the water, as well as wildlife.

Many countries around the world have already banned the use of this chemical because of scientific research and mounting evidence indicating it is harmful to human health and the environment. Canada has not.

Standing at one pesticide sign along the shore road, you can see a nearby sign that says “Drinking Water Protection Zone”. These signs mark locations “where roads cross into zones where municipal drinking water sources are the most vulnerable to contamination. They are appearing across Ontario to raise awareness about our drinking water sources and to protect our health.” (google search!)

The OS Water Treatment Plant, which draws their water from Georgian Bay, and serves over 22,000 residents in the OS area, is located about 3 km. from the Hibou Conservation area. There is a water pumping station nestled amongst several of these pesticide signs. Many residents along the shoreline draw their water from the bay.

We live in a wonderful area which is rich in many natural resources including Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. Will those who live here in the future be able to say the same? It’s up to us.

Donna Mitchell


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