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cigarette smokeIt seems to me that there is a somewhat perfect analogy between the dangers of cigarette smoking and climate change. Scientists started stating conclusively that cigarettes cause lung cancer in the 1940’s. Still, even today, although it is generally agreed to be true, some people still smoke, apparently exchanging the possibility of a longer lifespan with some more immediate need. It was the cigarette industry, through use of mass advertising and encouraging fake news that was most responsible for the slow uptake of the reality that smoking could kill you. In the end it was government by way of taxation and education and legislation that played the biggest role in reducing the smoking of cigarettes.

Turning to climate change, scientists conclusively started stating that this was going to be a problem at least by the 2010’s. Not just cigarette smokers, as before, but everybody who emits carbon dioxide is grasping at any fake news or fact to slow the uptake of the reality of climate change. The crazy thing is that smoking only primarily affects the person who decides to smoke. Our decisions in Canada regarding climate change continue to affect every person in the whole world. You just have to watch the news. We don’t like to think about that.

In the end it will again be government by way of taxation and education and legislation that will play the biggest role in getting a handle on climate change.

Our input to government is municipal, provincial and federal. As a resident of Meaford I am glad that they have declared a climate emergency. Owen Sound prefers to take a measured balanced approach (basically taking small steps that also save money?). Ontario and Canada are talking the walk. I would like to be reasonably assured that our MP and MPP will be following up with the more important walking the talk and with some stated seriousness.

Bill Moses


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