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classroomDear Stephen Lecce
Education Minister
Government of Ontario

Stephen, I don't only question your position but also your Government's. Social Service cuts have only damaged the plan of building more affordable housing and also low income since our province has a large poverty rate and people can't afford rent anymore even when working full time. Mr. Lecce, I am a graduate of Child and Youth studies and also Sociology. I work in a nonprofit for people living in poverty.Your Government has shown failed leadership and commitment to end homelessness because our homeless rate has increased since your Government got into office.

You as an Education Minister I think was a mistake, and I mean no slander when writing this to you. You have clearly shown that you are not fit for office as Education Minister. Your cuts to the education system are just going to damage our province. Your poor choice to go to E Learning is not only risking health problems with radiation but also a very poor choice on your office considering the model you’re following is coming from one of the worst education systems in the world.

You sir need to give your head a shake. Have you ever suffered from discrimination or bullied? Have you ever had an anxiety or panic attack? Have you ever been homeless? Or struggled with paying your bills to have a roof over your head? Did you come from a privileged family or was your family in poverty?

I totally agree with cutting budgets. How about you cut your party's election expenses or your paid holidays. How about your party quits taking money out of hungry and homeless people’s mouths and slash some of your minister’s salaries.

How about funding and building homeless shelters, transitional Housings and low income housing because that is what the people need.

How about lowering food costs and increase the amount of funding to nonprofits that provide free meals to those that can't afford to eat!

How about you look at the bigger picture here Mr. Lecce. Your Government day by day is losing the respect and belief from our citizens of this Province that your party is even qualified and fit for office.

I will close with this Mr. Lecce... I hope you and your party can live with knowing a homeless person dies from freezing to death or starving because of your government, a child or youth at school dies because of bullying, suicide or lack of mental health treatment. Children end up losing the chance to go to College or University because of your Governments poor choices.

Mr. Lecce my numbers continue to increase for people needing support and personally I can thank your Government for that!

Jacob Morris-Wheeler
Owen Sound, Ontario


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