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warming climateAn excellent article just published in The National Observer raises troubling questions about the Ontario government’s recently announced intention, citing COVID-19, to suspend environmental oversight rules as it copes with the coronavirus crisis. Why and how, I ask, is this reasonable?

The fact is that environmental protection oversight is absolutely vital to enable experts and the public to question the government about all sorts of environmental policies and regulations. It is, therefore, very disturbing to read that the Ford government has suspended virtually all environmental oversight. And even more serious and shocking, it has suspended the Environmental Bill of Rights, all without public input or debate in the legislature.

Climate change, in particular, is a major concern of millions of Ontarians. This area of science and public policy is very complex, with a variety of policy options, but we are practically all in agreement that substantial action must be taken immediately to mitigate the impact of climate change. In fact, apart from COVID-19, there is no higher priority!

To keep the environmental ball rolling, rigorous debate is essential. And to discuss and debate government proposals, all the facts must be on the table. As Premier Ford has said repeatedly, transparency is a core value of his government; he welcomes the fact that the public must be kept informed and invited to comment. Therefore, I hope he and Jeff Yurek, the Environment Minister, will reconsider the bad decision to suspend environmental oversight. I acknowledge that reversing this edict might not be entirely in the government’s political interest because, in effect, it invites critics into the cabinet room; but how else can we be assured that the best policies are adopted?

I anticipate that the government will suggest that full consultation including face to face meetings is impossible in this COVID-19 era, which will likely extend many months. But modern communications — the Ministry’s web site, email, Zoom and remote virtual conferences — can facilitate communication during these difficult times. I ask Mr. Ford and Mr. Yurek: please don’t use COVID-19 to shut down oversight and the vital role of citizens and environmental organizations as they legitimately try to hold the government to account.

Michael Craig
Owen Sound


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