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gallery-board-fullDear Mayor Boddy and Council Members,

I have followed the news of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery Board's plans for expansion with interest and enthusiasm, understanding the value that this wonderful art collection brings to life in Owen Sound. Like many Owen Sounders, I take pride in the City's designation as a "Cultural Capital." and supporting the creative arts has always been important to my family.

After attending last year's public meeting held by the Gallery Board, reading various newspaper articles, and hearing Michael Warren's recent radio comments on the subject of expansion, I am wondering if a different plan than the one that has been articulated might be considered...

Has the possibility of the Gallery's expansion into the Courthouse/Jail property been considered or investigated? I have toured this site and feel that we may be missing its potential. Here are some of the reasons why I think this could work well:

  • the city already owns this property, and the building's façade is impressive
  • the site is large, with ample space for outdoor expansion and car and bus parking
  • the site is of important Heritage significance
  • investing in a retrofit of these buildings is in line with the City's Masterplan
  • the site is within walking distance to the downtown and close to the harbour
  • the collection wouldn't have to move until the buildings were ready
  • the draw for art lovers (Tom Thomson), history lovers (the old Jail and Courthouse) and architecture buffs (the Courthouse) would increase the audience for all three
  • the potential for value-added uses such as concerts, receptions, and meetings in the upper hall (the acoustics are lovely), year-round cafe using the commercial kitchen, historical tours of the jail cells etc...
  • the Library could expand into the existing Gallery Building if it wished
  • the Rice Building wouldn't have to be demolished

Here are some of the problems that I can see with the proposed plan:

  • the existing Gallery site has poor parking facilities for cars and buses
  • the Rice building must be demolished ( loss of heritage and a city asset)
  • the disruption to operations during the building process
  • lack of government grants for upkeep and renovation to newer buildings

My experience with renovating the Chicago Building for the Artists' Co-Op and the transformation of Knox Church into Harmony Centre Owen Sound has taught me that our community loves our built heritage and it loves artists. When the two are combined, wonderful things happen! I believe Owen Sounders would enthusiastically support an investment in the powerful combination of Fine Art and Heritage that could occur at the Courthouse/Jail site, and I encourage Owen Sound Council and the Gallery Board to seriously consider this option.

I commend the Gallery Board for considering taking on a $9-$10 million expansion in these economic times. I would hope that a suitable retrofit of the Courthouse/Jail buildings could be accomplished for less than that sum, but even if it can't, moving the Tom Thomson Art Gallery to this new site would give an important Art Collection and important Historical Buildings a new lease on life.

Respectfully submitted,
Leigh Greaves,
Owen Sound



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