Secondary students in Bruce and Grey Counties who are currently enrolled in technological education courses are invited to compete at the 12th Annual Regional Technological Skills Challenge on Friday, April 1, 2016. Hosted by the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP), this year's itinerary will once again include a wide range of career related skilled trades competitions at the following Owen Sound locations:
Georgian College – Carpentry (team of two), Culinary Arts, Precision Machining, Small Powered
Equipment and Welding
St. Mary's High School – Electrical Wiring and Automotive
Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute – Hairstyling
Local industry judges will evaluate the competitors according to industry standards, with the top scoring
students advancing to regional challenges in April and others moving on to compete in May at the Ontario
Technological Skills Competition in Waterloo.
In 2015, three Bluewater District School Board students won gold medals provincially before advancing to
the national event in Saskatoon, where they secured ninth and fourth place finishes along with one gold.
Previously, some students attending the Regional Technological Skills Challenge have been successful
in securing apprenticeships with potential employers.
"We very much look forward to another opportunity to showcase student excellence in the skilled trades
at the Regional Technological Skills Challenge. Once again, we are inviting local businesses and
industries to join us for a tour of the exciting competitions that will be taking place," says OYAP
Coordinator/Facilitator Dave Barrett.
Those interested in a tour of the Regional Technological Skills Challenge at either 10:00 a.m. or 1:30
p.m., are asked to e-mail or call Dave Barrett at 519-363-2014, ext. 2132 to register.
The tours will be guided to ensure minimal disruptions for the students while they compete.