


Community-foundation-GB-fullCommunity Foundation Grey Bruce invites nonprofit organizations across Grey and Bruce Counties to apply now for Spring granting for projects and programs. Applicants' projects must benefit local communities in one of the following categories: Arts & Culture, Children's Interests, Education, Poverty Reduction, Environmental Endeavors, Health & Wellness or Recreation. Applicants are asked to describe how their project addresses one of the indicators of community vitality as outlined in the Foundation's Vital Signs Report which was recently released. Projects and programs that show support to disadvantaged children may apply for up to $5,000; other projects may apply to $3,000.

The online grant application will be open until April 15th 2016. Organizations may access the application under the Granting tab at Applicants should contact the Grant Co-ordinator Wendy Bachiu at or phone the Community Foundation office at 519-371-7203 to discuss the eligibility of their project before filling out an application.

Community Foundation Grey Bruce also is calling for Letters of Intent to apply for a Capital Grant for Fall/Winter of 2017. Letters will be received by mail or by email until the deadline of June 1, 2017. Criteria is posted on the website.

source: media release, Community Foundation Grey Bruce


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