



After the river parade Sunday,  head to Harrison Park at noon for a full afternoon of fun. At 1:00 pm, race your custom miniature paper boat around the wading area. Enjoy old time music, try cross-cut log sawing, explore Sydenham River biology, history and much more!  All the details here:

Miniature Paper Boat Races:
This fun event is for kids 12-years old and younger, but we'll have an adult race if there's enough interest. The race employs a standard boat hull, which is available at locations around town (see our website for a current list). Boat hulls will also be available on-site for assembly before the races. Look for the BOAT RACE HEADQUARTERS banner at the picnic shelter.
Prizes will be awarded for best decorated boat and fastest boat in the Modified and Unmodified categories. The race course is the wading area east of the Legion Fountain. Participants will be encouraged to get into the water and launch their boats mid-stream. Rules are subject to change because we're making this up as we go along.
Crosscut sawing:
Ever wanted to be a lumberjack? Try your hand at the double-handled saw. Teams of two will compete for the fastest time. Participants will have the one-inch disks they cut emblazoned on-site with a custom commemorative Riverfest branding iron!
Critter Dipping:
Explore the secret life of the Sydenham River. Discover what lies just below the surface. Search for hidden wonders along the riverbank with minnow nets and skimmers. Find out from Grey Sauble Conservation experts what it all means and how to encourage local biodiversity. This event is mainly for kids, but anyone can participate. Participants will be encouraged to get into the water, so appropriate footwear is recommended, but not required.
Old Time Music:
Enjoy the infectious toe-tapping cadence of pioneer music featuring some of our area's most talented musicians...
1:00 pm: The Merry Music Makers, Canadian and American settler music.
2:00 pm: The Fiddlefern Session Players, Irish traditional music.
3:00 pm: The Kincardine Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, Scottish traditional music.
Displays and Exhibits:
Head to the Grey Sauble Conservation 60th Anniversary big-top tent to see a wide range of fascinating displays related to our area's natural history. Find out how the GSCA is working hard to preserve our fragile and valuable ecosystems. Talk to the experts and learn how you can support their efforts to protect our woodlands and wetlands.
The Scales Nature Park will be on-site with its famous collection of snakes and amphibians, many of which can be found in Harrison Park and along the Sydenham River. Participants will have a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with these fascinating creatures, and learn from experts about their habits and behaviour.
Grey Roots Museum will be on-hand with authentic 1860s exhibits you can really sink your teeth into... roast and try some bannock bread, see the amazing things a blacksmith can do with a portable forge, try on some 1860s clothes and have your picture taken, find out how grain is threshed using simple equipment, and much more!

About us:
Riverfest is a one-time event organized by a small group of volunteers who are passionate about Owen Sound's river and parkland. The event has been over a year in the making, but we have no idea what to expect in terms of participation levels, weather, and the unexpected. If things seem a little askew at event time, please know that we're trying our best and working very hard indeed to smooth out the wrinkles. We appreciate your patience.
We could use a hand. If you would like to be a Riverfest volunteer, please drop us a line at
And don't forget to like the Friends of Harrison Park on Facebook. This is a great way to keep in touch and find out how you can help us celebrate the park and its environs!
Transportation and Parking
A shuttle service will run between Harrison Park and the Inner Harbour every fifteen minutes from 11:30 to 3:45 pm. Shuttles will also run from the Heritage Place mall parking lot on the east side of town and Foodland on the west side of town to the Inner Harbour. These shuttles run every 15 minutes from 9:45 am - 6:00 pm, every half hour until 11:15 pm. Regular shuttles are in addition to the Fun Bus, which departs the harbour at 10:45 and the Mill Dam at 11:30.
At the Harbour... park at the Medical Centre or at the government lots across the street. Limited Boat Launch parking is available for boaters only. Note that 1st Avenue West will be closed for the Parade Launch. Vehicles will need to approach the Harbour from 14th Street West.
At the Mill Dam... The dam's small lot will fill quickly. The driveway's blind curve will cause problems if the lot is full and cars need to get out. There is limited parking on nearby side streets. A better solution if you have a boat to launch above the dam is to park and launch at the North Entrance to Harrison Park at the end of 5th Avenue East and paddle down to the dam from there.
At Harrison Park... Please walk, paddle, or bike to Harrison Park. There will be no public parking on the grounds. Exceptions: Handicapped Permits, Riverfest Crew, Restaurant dining room customers. Shuttles run from the Inner Harbour to the park every fifteen minutes all day!



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