Grey Bruce Health Unit is looking to hire teen shoppers.
Teens between the ages of 15 and 18 are being hired to visit stores to see if they can buy tobacco and electronic cigarette products. Working with Tobacco Education and Enforcement Officers, the youth will visit retailers across Grey Bruce. In Ontario, tobacco and electronic cigarettes cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 19.
Teens must have parent's permission. Training is provided.
"It's a good experience for young people, especially for someone considering a future in law enforcement." says Tobacco Program manager Angela Newman. "It is a great opportunity to learn about note taking, about being observant and documenting."
Once trained, the teens go into the store on their own while a tobacco enforcement officer remains outside. The test shopper asks to buy a product. If it's not sold, they go back to the vehicle and fill out a report confirming they could not make a purchase. If they are able to buy the product, the enforcement officer takes over. In some of those cases, the teen may become involved in the court process.
The days, times and locations of the visits vary. Teens do not make store visits in their home area. Some vendors might be visited more than once, especially if they're considered at high risk for selling to youth. Transportation is provided.
"We keep it a very normal situation so that it stays in the legal realm, it's safe for the test shopper and it's a realistic approach for a vendor." says Angela Newman. "Tobacco retailers need to understand that test shopping will occur and it is important to ask for ID for anyone that appears under the age of 25."
The deadline to apply is Friday, December 15. For more information or to send a resume and cover letter, e-mail:
source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit