


commrettes1- by Judy Juniper

February 2019 marks a very important milestone for the Owen Sound Comm-r-ettes club as it signifies the 55th anniversary of the clubs dedicated service to the communities of Grey and Bruce.

Strictly a non-profit service organization, members have worked diligently to raise thousands of dollars to assist with many charitable causes. Donations have been made to support projects such as to provide playground equipment for local parks, supporting swimming and skating events for families, assisting with school, sports and camping programs for youth and providing aid in crisis situations which often involve people of all ages.

The local hospital has been the recipient of many donations from the club, as have several other health related agencies and educational programs in the area.

Club membership has generally been in the range of twenty but as is the case of many service clubs, loss of members has occurred from time to time lowering the numbers to as few as nine. However, because of their pride in their dedication to help others, the members have always managed to persevere with hard work, faithfulness, friendship and co-operation. Thanks to these traits, five new members have recently joined which as brought the total current number to 19.commrettes2

Over the years, fundraising efforts have seen many changes and the Comm-r-ettes have tried very hard to adapt accordingly. To mention a few projects, the “fish pond” game, which takes place during the Festival of Northern Lights, creates a family style activity in November and has many supporters each year.

A new project this past December was enjoyed by members and supporters alike when the club hosted a morning breakfast entitled “Pancake Breakfast with Santa.” The newest members were involved in the planning and the work of this new project and it is hoped that it can become a yearly event.

A sense of fun is a huge component in the tasks undertaken by the group and that is very evident each June when the annual yard sale is held and attended by a larger crowd of regular shoppers!

Understandably proud of fifty-five years of community service, members strive to live up to their creed which states in part “service to humanity is the best work of life.”

For further information regarding the Comm-r-ette club, write to Box 224, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P3 attention Charlene Blandin, President or email to


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