


gardenThe Georgian Bay Garden Club is sponsoring a bus trip to A.M. ‘Mac’ Cuddy Gardens on Saturday, June 1, 2019.

The A.M. (Mac) Cuddy Gardens, owned by Fanshawe College and managed by the Horticulture Program, feature one of the largest collections of plants in Ontario. Over two thousand species are displayed in dry, rock, woodland, perennial, rose and aquatic gardens. In addition, several plants found in the Garden are on the endangered species list such as the indigenous Cucumber Magnolia and the Yellow Trillium.

Registration must be received by May 18th. Contact 519-376-0913 or 519-373-1441 or

It will be a great trip for garden lovers, with extra stops along the way.

The cost is $69 and includes the bus, Fanshawe entrance and driver gratuity.

source: media release, Georgian Bay Garden Club


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