


winter cowEach winter, Grey Agricultural Services offers Winter Courses of interest to producers and rural residents of Grey and Bruce Counties and beyond. Please find all the courses offered below. Courses are filling quickly, so please act fast!! Pre-registration is required.

Email or call 519-986-3756 to pre-register. More details for all courses at Certified Crop Advisors will be able to obtain CEU credits for some courses.

All Courses are held at Grey Agricultural Services 206 Toronto St. S, Unit 3 Markdale with the exception of Pressure Canning which is held at the Kinplex in Flesherton. 

Social Media—Digging Deeper! Audience=Active Social Media users +3 posts/week. Facilitators: Kelly Ward, OMAFRA and Hugh Simpson @Ospreybeekeeper. Maximum 10 Attendees. Will require some pre-work, which will be defined at Registration. Hugh Simpson will review his account (s) and share his advice. Then, participants will complete an audit of their accounts and discuss their learnings from the findings. Kelly will do a review of the different types of posts on each Social Media platform and provide a quick overview of the anatomy of a strong social media post. Next, the group will review participants’ feeds, discussing strengths, and opportunities for improvement. This exercise will help participants learn to critically examine content, which ultimately should help them look at their own content differently moving forward. Prework – Participants must share their Social Media handles with Grey Ag in advance so that facilitators have an opportunity to review the content. Participants are also asked to submit a short list of accounts that they follow for inspiration. This list will be shared with everyone at the conclusion of the course Tues Jan 21 Pre-Reg by Jan 14 1:00pm - 4:30pm $15

Reducing Antibiotic Use AND Mastitis Risks. Facilitated by: Ann Godkin, on behalf of DFO's Selective Dry Cow Antibiotic Use Education Project, with additional facilitators from Grey-Bruce Veterinary Practices (Miller Veterinary Clinic, Markdale Veterinary Services, Walkerton - Hanover Veterinary Clinic, Mildmay Veterinary Clinic). Includes Lunch. All livestock commodities, including dairy, are taking a look at antibiotic use to see if traditional uses are still justified. Treatment of every cow at dry-off time has been successful in most all herds at controlling subclinical and contagious mastitis but, if a herd has achieved control, does blanket dry cow treatment still need to be done? At this workshop we'll examine the mastitis risks a dairy cow faces as she moves out of one lactation, through a dry period and starts lactation again. After gaining knowledge of these risks producers will be prepared to work with their own herd vet to do an on-farm assessment to look for potential gaps in their own operation and make a informed decision about antibiotic use. Wed Jan 22 Pre-Reg by Jan 17 10:00am - 2:30pm $15

Farm Transition Takes Both Generations – Learn How. Facilitators: Brent Van Parys, Maggie Van Camp, and the BDO Business Transition Services Team. Includes Lunch. “One day you will sell your farm, of that you can be sure. You may sell it voluntarily – when, how and to whom you choose – or you may sell it involuntarily – through death, disability, divorce, disagreement or debt. Preparing for a voluntary transition within your family actually protects your family from the devastating effects of an involuntary sale. Learn from the Business Transition Specialists at BDO Canada how to prepare yourself, your family and the farm for a successful transition to the next generation of farmers. Get started now so you can reduce the risk of an involuntary sale and protect your legacy and your family for generations to come.” Thurs Jan 23 Pre-Reg by Jan 17th 11:00am - 3:00pm $30

Soil, Climate, Profit: How Regenerative Agriculture Can Save The World (and Your Farm). Facilitator: Brent Preston, EFAO Board President. This course will be an introduction to regenerative agriculture. Brent will cover definitions, the science behind regenerative, principals and methods. He will include an abundance of examples from his farm (The New Farm, Creemore). Brent will also discuss the financial side of regenerative ag- how it has helped The New Farm make more money and open new markets. Mon Jan 27 Pre-Reg by Jan 24 1:00pm - 4:00pm $15

Feed the Soil, Not the Plants: A Course on the Value and Making of Compost for Your Vegetable Garden. Facilitators: Brad Dewys and Paulette Kirkey of Grey County Master Gardeners. Integral to vigorous, healthy ecosystems – forests, grasslands, and wetlands – is nature’s innate capacity to feed and regenerate its soils. Because nature does it best, why not replicate nature when working with the soil in our vegetable gardens? This course will discuss the value of adding compost to maximize the soil’s potential to grow healthy, nutrient-dense vegetables. It will draw on recent science to profile the basics of soil biology and the relationship between soil that is naturally biologically active and vegetables that are robust and nutritious. The course will also discuss the properties of soil-boosting compost and how to make your own. Summary: This course will discuss compost making as a natural means of regenerating soil and growing nutrient-dense vegetables. Tues Jan 28 Pre-Reg by Jan 24 1:30pm - 4:00pm $15

Tile Drainage Decisions. Facilitators: Kevin McKague, OMAFRA; Byron Bothwell, Bluewater Drainage. Includes Lunch. Understanding tile drainage, benefits, limitations, new drain tile irrigation opportunities, and making it work to improve both yields and the environment. Course participants should make an effort to bring a phone to access OMAFRA’s AgMaps on-line GIS portal to identify constructed drains, soil types, textures etc. on their farm. Thurs Feb 6 Pre-Reg by Jan 31 10:00pm - 3:30pm $30

Genetics, It’s More Than Just Numbers - For Goat & Sheep Producers. Facilitators: Delma Kennedy & Marlene Paibomesai, OMAFRA. Find out how genetics can influence your sheep flock or goat herd now and in the future. This course will discuss how to assess the genetics of your flock or herd. You will come away with an understanding of how genetics interacts with environment, what new areas of genetics are being worked on as well as what genetic tests are available and how to use them. Mon Feb 10 Pre-Reg by Feb 7 6:30pm - 9:30pm $15

Choosing the Rights BMPs to Weather-Proof Your Farm. Facilitator: Dave Bray, OMAFRA. Too wet; too dry. Too hot; too cold. Changes in weather patterns have made it challenging to plant and harvest crops. Livestock health can be impacted too. This session will look at changes in precipitation, temperature and crop heat units and how these changes can have both good and bad impacts on farming. Participants can think about their farming operation and what may be at risk. We will then view some of the Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) that can be used to adapt to these wild weather swings. Wed Feb 12 Pre-Reg by Feb 7 1:30pm - 4:00pm $15

Visitors At Our Farm Gate. Facilitator: Constable Jason Richardson, OPP West Region, Provincial Liaison Team. Constable Jason Richardson (Provincial Liaison Team, OPP), will walk participants through considerations and recommendations for dealing with unexpected visitors at their gates. His perspective will prepare participants for those situations should they arise. There will be considerable time set aside for questions and clarification. Thurs Feb 13 Pre-Reg by Feb 10 9:30am - 12:00pm $15

Integrated Weed Management. Facilitator: Craig Reid, Sprucedale Agromart. There’s been lots of chatter in the public sphere recently about Integrated Pest Management, but what IS it really? We will explore the principles of IPM as they relate specifically to weed management. Both established and emerging species of concern for Grey and Bruce Counties will be the focus as we step back and tackle weed control at a systems level. More then herbicide recommendations, this is your introduction to Integrated Weed Management. Wed Feb 26 Pre-Reg by Feb 21 10:00am - 12:00pm 10 or 11 alone $15 10 & 11 with lunch $35

Scouting 101. Facilitators: Liz Crowther & Brandon Dietrich, Sprucedale Agromart. "Scouting" is done by some from the pick-up truck while driving by the field going 60km/hr. To scout properly, it is essential to get out of the truck and walk into the field. We will provide growers with quick but efficient learning tools to help them monitor their fields, covering things to watch out for and tips for getting to the problematic areas quickly. Whether you frequent your fields often or find yourself wanting to know more, scouting can help make important management decisions for the current growing season and in the future. Wed Feb 26 Pre-Reg by Feb 21 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Precision Ag For Beginners. Facilitators: Deb Campbell, Agronomy Advantage; and Lydia Parker, Climate Fieldview. Includes Lunch. This course will layout the basic components of a data management strategy. Looking at hardware, apps and software and data storage to create reliable and usable data. And also looking at examples of data usage for in field management of inputs spatially to create a better bottom line for your farm. Thurs Feb 27 Pre-Reg by Feb 21 10:00am - 3:00pm $30

Starting a Farm in Ontario. Facilitator: Mark Ferguson, OMAFRA. Are you interested in starting a farm business in Ontario? This course will go over the new entrant self assessment and highlight some of the basic information to help you get started on your new journey. In addition, you will learn about the importance of planning; evaluating different market opportunities; financing your new business; and the importance of record keeping. Thurs Feb 27 Pre-Reg by 24 6:30pm - 9:30pm $15

Dealing with Farm Stress. Facilitators: Becky Hunt, Jackie Ralph CMHA; D. Donald Cole, U of T; Courtney Denard; Steacy Den Haan; plus a Producer Panel. Includes Lunch. From unpredictable weather, to heavy debt loads, to working with family members, farming is stressful. This course will cover the role stress plays on the family farm and its impact on farmer mental health. During the day you will hear farmers tell their mental health story, learn ways to deal with farm related stress, and find out about local resources you can turn to for support. Farmers of all age are welcome, including teenagers. Sponsored by Steacy Den Haan, Sales Rep, Royal LePage RCR Realty. Wed Mar 4 Pre-Reg by Feb 28 9:15am - 4:30pm $30

Introduction to Small Scale Pig Production. Facilitators: Jaydee Smith and Laura Eastwood, OMAFRA Swine Specialists. Whether you already have pigs or are looking to get started, this course will teach the basics of housing, management, nutrition and health for your small scale pig herd. PigTrace (Canada’s national hog traceability program), the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pigs and biosecurity will also be discussed, giving you the information you need to meet requirements and ensure the best possible care for your sounder! Tues Mar 10 Pre-Reg by Mar 6 7:00pm - 9:30pm $15

Marketing & Economics of Cow-Calf Production. Facilitators: Steve Duff, John Molenhuis, James Byrne, Megan Van Schaik (OMAFRA). Includes Lunch. This course will focus on marketing and economics of cow-calf production. Topics will include mechanisms behind price discovery, market dynamics, determining costs of production, considerations for backgrounding your own calves, and approaches to decision-making to improve your bottom line. This course includes a hands-on exercise. Tues Mar 24 Pre-Reg by Mar 20 10:00am - 2:30pm $30

Horse Night. Facilitator: Dr. Tee Fox, Markdale Veterinary Services. Focus on Deworming/Dewormers & Strangles. Attend this course to get the latest information from Dr Tee Fox about Deworming/Dewormers and hear an update on Strangles in our area. Come network with other likeminded individuals for a highly informative and entertaining evening. Jointly sponsored by Grey Ag Services and Markdale Veterinary Services. Tues Mar 24 Pre-Reg by Mar 20 7:30pm - 9:30pm $15

Gardening in Changing Weather Patterns—Ornamentals. Facilitators: Grey County Master Gardeners. How do we as gardeners adapt our best practices in horticulture to deal with potentially unpredictable changes in our environment? Grey County Master Gardeners will describe the impact of changing weather patterns on our ornamental gardens – with some application to food gardening. We will then consider strategies for maintaining our healthy gardens through times of change, with a focus on plant selection and care, water management and soil enhancement. Thurs Mar 26 Pre-Reg by Mar 23 7:00pm - 9:30pm $15

Pressure Canning (Hands-On). Facilitator: Martha Rogers, Master Food Preserver, Cornell University Ext. Maximum 10 Attendees. Kinplex, Flesherton. Ever thought about canning vegetables, soups, meat or fish? It is possible in the home kitchen with the right equipment and the right methods. Learn about science behind preserving low acid foods at home. Explore what equipment should (and should not) be used to pressure can. See pressure canning in action as we make and process carrot soup. Also, participate in the bonus activity of water bath canning pickled carrots. Wed April 1 Pre-Reg by Mar 27 6:30pm - 9:30pm $30 

Fermentation. Facilitators: Martha Rogers, Master Food Preserver, Cornell University Ext.; & a Dietician from SEGCHC. Fermentation as a method of food preservation has been around for thousands of years in nearly every culture in the world. Today many people are rediscovering the nutritional benefits of fermented foods and drinks. This session will focus on the history, health benefits and methods of small batch fermentation at home. We will take a tour of approaches used for fermenting vegetables, cheese, yogurt, kefir, drinks, vinegar and baking. Observe the making of sauerkraut and labneh. Facilitators: Martha Rogers, Master Food Preserver, Cornell University Ext. Wed April 8 Pre-Reg by April 6 6:30pm - 9:30pm $15

source: media release, Grey Ag Services


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