


Fridays for FutureFriday, June 5th is World Environment Day, and Fridays for Future groups across the country will be striking online to demand a just recovery for all that puts people and planet first. Owen Sound will be holding their strike at 7 PM, featuring a youth discussion called “Earth comes first: Creating a New Normal.” Led by local activist Aidan Randall, the panel of 4 youth will talk about what the future should look like after COVID-19, from workers rights and healthcare to climate action. You can watch the event live on YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter.

Here is the link to the YouTube Channel:

These are the youth who will participate in the discussion:

Aidan Randall
Aidan Randall is a youth speaker and Fridays for Future leader from Grey Bruce, Ontario. Raised Vegan from birth by parents who are environmentalists, he is passionate about Climate Justice, GMO awareness, Animal Agriculture, and Social Justice. You can follow Aidan on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram @AidansAction.

Hanna Meili
Hanna Meili is 19 years old, an entrepreneur & tennis coach with a love for the outdoors! She takes pride in staying optimistic during the climate crisis by consistently taking diligent action in her life, and by inspiring others to do the same. Hanna is a member of Fridays for Future Owen Sound.

Greg Luca
Greg Luca is an 18 year old organizer with Fridays for Future Toronto. He’s been involved with this movement for around a year now. Greg has helped lead a few strikes but mainly loves participating in the events.

Sydney Haak
Sydney Haak, a 17-year-old climate activist living in Parry Sound, works with Fridays for Future Parry Sound and XRY Ontario.World Environment Day Picture

For more information about Fridays for Future, email or visit their Facebook page:

Fridays for Future is an international movement of young people who take time off from class on Fridays to participate in demonstrations to demand action from political leaders to take action to prevent climate change and for the fossil fuel industry to transition to renewable energy. Publicity and widespread organizing began after Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg staged a protest in August 2018 outside the Swedish Parliament, holding a sign that read "Skolstrejk för klimatet" ("School strike for climate"). For more information, visit

source: media release, Friday's for Future


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