


memorial forestHave you ever considered planting a tree in memory of someone? The benefits to the family are physically, mentally and environmentally rewarding.

A visit to our Memorial Forest, you will be greeted by a plaque sign with the names of loved one`s that a tree has been planted in memory. A bench to sit and reminisce about the days and warm memories of the loved one being remembered.

The Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation provides a living memorial to honour a friend or loved one. In 1997, the Foundation commenced a Memorial Forest Program in three conservation areas. The sites are the Pottawatomi Site in Owen Sound, Griersville C.A in the Meaford/Beaver Valley area and Big Mud Lake C.A. in the Wiarton area. memorial forest 2

The Foundation co-ordinates the Memorial Forest Program and the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority manages the donations and the administrative operations of the program.

A Memorial Tree dedication costs $75 per tree. A tree is planted at one of the memorial forest sites(donor preference) and the name of the deceased is placed on a plaque at the site.

These trees are planted in early May by Foundation volunteers. The memorial name and the purchaser`s name is inscribed in the Book of Remembrance, displayed at the GSCA Office.

In June, a dedication ceremony is held at the GSCA Administration Centre for families and the purchasers of the memorial trees. At the end of the ceremony, a commemorative tree is planted at the GSCA Centre property.

The Memorial Forest Program is a meaningful way to connect conservation and people together. All the memorial forests will grow into natural forests. These growing forests are a beautiful way to remember the life of a friend or loved one as it provides for a living memorial for the future.

For more information on the program, contact the GSCA, (376-3076), or your local funeral home.

This year due to the Covid -19 Crisis, the dedication ceremony planned for June was cancelled. Memorial trees were planted by conservation staff in May. The names on the memorial plaques have been placed at each site this summer.

source: media release, Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation


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