


University Health Network1Bruce Power and the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) announced today that they will be sharing evenly a $400,000 donation to University Health Network (UHN) in Toronto to be used in the fight against COVID-19.

UHN, which includes Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, is...

care agedDear staff of Nursing Homes, Homes for the Aged, and Retirement Homes;

I am taking this time to express the gratitude I feel for the work that you are doing. I recognize it is an amazing accomplishment to take care of the generation that has helped build this...

Lori WilderBluewater District School Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Lori Wilder to the position of Director of Education. While the appointment is effective October 1, 2020, she will assume the role of Director Designate as of June 27, 2020. Wilder, who is Superintendent of Education within the organization, will replace retiring. . .

decentworkFollowing recent reports from long-term care homes, group homes and hospitals, frontline workers came together today in a virtual news conference to sound the alarm over working conditions that put workers, patients, and the broader public at risk - especially during . . .

coronavirusTesting and case counts reported as of 15:30 hrs, April 16, 2020:

2 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce
· Female, in 60s, isolated...


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