


Clumpus WebIt’s hard to reconcile the high hopes we’ve had for warmer, sunnier days with dealing, yet again, with another Provincewide shutdown and Stay-at-Home Order. Thanks to the diligence of our residents who consistently comply with the public health protocols, Grey and Bruce Counties are experiencing the lowest rate of infection in the province, but in order to reach what is called “herd immunity” across the province, we, too, must follow Provincial orders. So once again, we are all being asked to limit travel to essential purposes, like getting groceries, attending medical appointments, and going to work. Otherwise, we are asked to stay home and to limit our contact to those within our households. These extraordinary circumstances are required to control the rapid advance of variants of the virus which is endangering the ability of our hospital system and front line workers to care for and protect our citizens.

The good news is the vaccine roll-out continues aggressively with the “hockey hub” system working very smoothly. As of this week, the Grey Bruce Health Unit is booking vaccinations for those over 60 years old, or who are in the phase 2 priority group which includes those with high-risk chronic illnesses and their caregivers, and those who live and work in congregate settings. To find out if you are eligible or to book an appointment, please visit The vaccine is safe and effective, and, while voluntary, is a critical action we can all take to get back to normal. I have heard of folks making a special occasion of getting their vaccination – it’s a different outing from grocery shopping, and is such a great attitude of celebration to help us feel we are doing our part for the health of our community.

This shutdown also affects Municipal facilities which are now closed to the public, including the Administration Office, arena, museum, and community halls. Staff are continuing to operate essential services, and are working onsite and remotely to respond to inquiries and to keep the wheels in motion. We ask that you use online services at where possible, or use the drop box located beside the Administration Office door. Staff can be reached by phone at 519-538-1060 or by email to

Although our recreation programs planned to begin in April have been postponed, the Spring weather continues to draw, socially distanced of course, bikers, hikers, dog walkers and strollers outside to enjoy the natural beauty of our area. Remember the three “W’s” – Wash your hands, Wear a mask, and Watch your distance, and I know our resilient community will soldier on through this latest shutdown to come out stronger on the other side.

Stay well, everyone!

Mayor Barb Clumpus
Municipality of Meaford


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