



Effective January 31, 2022 at 12:01 a.m. Ontario will begin the process of gradually easing restrictions, while maintaining protective measures. It is anticipated that all restrictions will remain in effect for 21 days, through to February 21, 2022, at which time restrictions may be further eased.
What does this mean for residents of Georgian Bluffs? - Outdoor gatherings up to 25 people;

- Indoor gatherings up to 10 people;
- Retail limited to 50% capacity;
- 50% capacity at non-spectator areas of sports and recreational fitness facilities, including gyms;
- 50% capacity at restaurants, bars and other food or drink establishments. Township Services:

All Township facilities, including Administration Offices, will re-open to the public, effective January 31, 2022. One person will be admitted to the lobby at a time in accordance with public health recommendations.

As staff continue to employ a hybrid style of working to maintain physical distancing requirements, please make an appointment so that we can better serve you. To speak with staff, or make an appointment, call 519 376 2729 or email

Community centres and arenas, including Shallow Lake Community Centre, will re open to the public, effective January 31, 2022, at 50% total capacity. Use of Township community centres and arenas will be subject to Township COGeVID-19 procedures and safety regulations. Proof of vaccination will be required to gain access to all community centres and arenas.

Garbage bag tags continue to be required on all curbside waste. Bag Tags are available for purchase online via the Township website. All associated online processing fees will be waived for the purchase of bag tags.

Visit to review updated information regarding Township services. 

source: media release, Township of Georgian Bluffs


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