



How do we prevent sexual violence and harassment in Grey Bruce? Who needs to be involved? Are we using effective prevention approaches in our workplaces, organizations and communities?

Violence Prevention Grey Bruce has launched the first ever survey on sexual violence prevention in our region to find the answers to these and other questions.

Everyone is invited to take part in this confidential survey whether you are concerned community member, service providers, employer, employee, a person who has experienced sexual violence, their friends and families.

The on line survey is open from December 5, 2017 until February 23, 2018. It is confidential and all the information gathered will be used to create a 'Report Card on Sexual Violence Prevention in Grey Bruce' in the spring of 2018.

Sexual violence is a serious problem in our region and can have a devastating impact. There is a role for everyone to play in preventing it. To get started go to:  and pass along the link to your friends and colleagues!

Your participation will provide new information to develop effective regional strategies to prevent sexual violence and increase safety for everyone in Grey Bruce.

For more information contact

source: media release, Violence Prevention Grey Bruce


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