


youthTwo local youth groups are planning all-candidates debates, one in Owen Sound and the other in Hanover.

Youth of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound would like to invite other youth and the public to an All Candidates Debate hosted at Launch Pad Youth Activity and Technology Centre, 612 10th Street Hanover, on Monday May 14th beginning at 7:00PM.

The format of the evening will be divided in two forty-five minute sections. The evening will first begin with the candidates debating three questions that have been created, and supported, by youth across the Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound riding. These questions will be emailed to each attending candidate prior to the debate. The second portion of the evening, candidates will debate questions from the audience.

"Engaging youth in the democratic process is essential to the health of our democracy and doing so will ensure strong defendants of our democratic institutions in the future. Youth are not only the leaders of the future but the leaders of the present as well! The organizing team is proud we are able to host this event and I hope to see you there! We are relevant, we are strong, and we are worthy of discussion!" Youth Organizer, Liam Kelly

"It is important to know that adults, especially those in power, respect our concerns and perspectives on issues taking place in our lives. This level of communication about topics that us as future voters are passionate about sets a precedent as a leap in youth engagement." Youth Organizer, James Okumoto Stocovaz

Under the Government of Ontario, youth are defined as individuals 29 and under.

"I want to make it clear, staff at Launch Pad are only providing event space and logistic support to the youth hosting the All-Candidates Debate. It is the youth of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound that are bringing forth the issues presented to the candidates and we support them in this endeavour 100 percent," says Emily Morrison, Executive Director, Launch Pad.

A grass roots group of Owen Sound twenty-somethings have received a grant from the Laidlaw Foundation to host a youth focused all candidates town hall ahead of the June 7th provincial election. The event titled "Youth Ask Town Hall" will take place from 1-3pm on May 26th at the First United Church in Owen Sound. The group wants to highlight the issues that are important to youth ages 14-29 and increase civic engagement in a demographic that is historically unrepresented.

"We want the voices of youth and young adults to be heard in this election." said Maxine Iharosy - an Owen Sound based entrepreneur and member of the organizing team. "The provincial government impacts the lives of young people in so many ways. We want young people to know that they can participate in the political conversation and we want to encourage the candidates' engagement with local youth"

The forum will be non-partisan and as accessible as possible to the target demographic. The organizers plan to increase youth engagement by hosting the event on a Saturday afternoon, offering a childcare activity space to encourage family attendance, and by live streaming the event for constituents who can't attend in person.

"As young people and millenials we're often used as scape goats or excluded from political discussions," co-organizer Jon Farmer said. "There are so many reasons that students and young professionals struggle to show up politically. We don't have the money to donate to campaigns or as much time to attend political events. We're often balancing multiple jobs, parenthood, and the stresses of building a life. When our voices aren't heard politicians assume we don't care but we do and this event is designed to prove it".

The Youth Ask organizers are accepting question submissions from Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound constituents. The organizers will identify common themes, choose representative questions, and invite the people who submitted them to ask the candidates directly on the day of the event. Questions may also be played by video if people can't attend in person.

Interested youth in the Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound riding can submit questions in writing or by video to or through the Facebook event: Youth Ask Town Hall before May 20th. Questions should be directed generally as all candidates will respond to each. Following the town hall there will be a short information session for first time voters on how to register and find your polling station.

The group will announce updates through the Youth Ask Town Hall: All Candidates Meeting Facebook event page. Although questions will be posed only by people 14-29, audience of any age are welcome to attend.

source: media releases, Launch Pad and Youth Ask Grey Bruce


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