


students eqaoThe Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) has released the results of the 2017-18 assessments.

The Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board results are as follows:

Grade 3 Reading 74% (Provincial Average 75%)

Writing 73% (Provincial Average 72%)

Mathematics 52% (Provincial Average 61%)

Grade 6

Reading 83% (Provincial Average 82%)

Writing 78% (Provincial Average 80%)

Mathematics 44% (Provincial Average 49%)

Grade 9

Applied Mathematics 50% (Provincial Average 45%)

Academic Mathematics 83% (Provincial Average 84%)

Grade 10 OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test)

69% of first time eligible students who fully participated were successful. The provincial average is 79%.

The results from EQAO identify necessary areas for growth.

The goal for the Bruce-Grey CDSB is for our students to demonstrate global competencies supported by literacy and numeracy skills. Our educators, through collaborative learning cycles, will ensure student well-being, engagement and achievement in a healthy environment. We will continue to ensure that assessment practices are personalized and precise in meeting student needs.

Director of Education, Jamie McKinnon, maintains that "there are many ways we measure the success of our Catholic schools and EQAO is one of them. We will continue to use this and other data to meet the needs of our students through targeted support and quality instruction."

For detailed results visit the EQAO website at

source: media release, BGCDSB


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