


public health agenciesalPHa’s membership passed two resolutions related to climate change at the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Resolution A19-2, Affirming the Impact of Climate Change on Health was passed to formalize our agreement that climate change is the greatest global health threat of the 21st century and, as such, is the defining public health issue of our time. A19-1, Climate Change and Health in Ontario: Adaptation and Mitigation provides more specific guidance on the way forward for multi-disciplinary collaboration on robust climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize the effect of climate change on the health of Ontarians.

Tackling climate change as a public health issue will require a deep commitment to forming partnerships at all levels of government, collaborating with other partners within the health system, and engaging with our communities to develop specific, evidence-informed actions on climate change and health. 

Following the communication of our 2019 Climate Change resolutions to the Province, alPHa created an online page of resources related to climate change and health that we believe will be useful to our members and partners as policy responses to climate change and health are formulated. This page will include all alPHa communications related to this public health issue, a selection of materials from partner organizations, and government responses. We would like to draw your attention to two entries in particular, as we received specific requests to share them with our members:

We invite you to visit the alPHa Climate Change and Health Resource page and encourage you send material related to local actions for inclusion in the library at the bottom of the page to


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