


meaford logoThe Municipality of Meaford would like to hear from you as we prepare the 2020 Municipal budget. Please take our survey, and come to the budget engagement session at the Woodford Community Centre at 6:30 p.m. on November 13, 2019. 

At their meeting on September 23, Meaford Council provided direction to staff to prepare a draft 2020 budget which includes:

  • An overall tax levy increase not to exceed 4.56%
  • A tax supported operating budget with an increase not to exceed 2.06%
  • A 1% tax levy increase dedicated for roads capital funding
  • A 1% tax levy increase dedicated for bridge capital
  • A 0.5% tax levy increase dedicated for facility capital funding
  • Tax and user pay operating budgets incorporating a Cost of Living salary adjustment of 2.06%

They also directed staff to allocate any remaining operating surpluses from 2016 to 2018 towards funding the New Library capital project, as well as any operating surplus from 2019.

“Public feedback is an essential part of the annual budget process” said Treasurer Darcy Chapman. “Council need to know what your priorities are, and how you would like to see your tax dollars spent. Public feedback sets the foundation for all Council decisions.”

More information on the Municipal budget and a link to the budget survey can be found at

Hardcopies of the budget survey are also available at Municipal facilities and can be obtained from any member of Council.

source: media release


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