


grey county signWe know this is a trying and uncertain time for Grey County businesses, but governments at all levels are listening to understand how best to help.

We’ve created a new web page to help businesses navigate the different resources available and feedback opportunities.

You can find it on our website at

As part of our efforts to control the spread of COVID-19, we are focusing resources towards our most essential services at this time. Staff from our economic development and tourism departments are being temporarily redeployed to assist with essential services. As we assist in these activities our response time may be delayed by one day.

We can’t provide many answers at this time, but we are committed to sharing information as it becomes available. We are listening and documenting, and we will share what we hear with the ministries and keep all informed as best we can.

Keeping you informed of that latest provincial and federal news regarding COVID-19 and the impact on business:

Provincial Link:

Federal Link:

Staff are working to decipher exactly what the different supports are, who is eligible and how they can be accessed. We will share this advice and guidance to our business community very soon.

Three Business Surveys:
All-Sectors Business Survey
In an effort to gauge COVID-19 impacts on your business, Grey County is participating in a business survey being coordinated across south western Ontario. The information collected will be used by staff and shared in confidence with the Western Ontario Warden’s Caucus to gain a more fulsome regional perspective. The survey is anticipated to take less than five minutes.

URGENT Ministry Survey for Tourism business (Accommodation, Food, Retail, Service, Entertainment… the list goes on!)
In cooperation with partners, members, stakeholders and the office of Minister Lisa MacLeod, TIAO has released an updated COVID-19 industry survey.

The survey asks about cancellations, lay-offs and temporary or permanent closures caused by COVID-19. Please take a moment to complete the survey, email it to your members and share it with your partners and stakeholders.

Please note the survey will close at 8am on Monday March 23. Without this data the province cannot adequately determine the amount of financial support needed by the tourism operators in the region.

URGENT Farm Survey from Canadian Federation of Agriculture
The Canadian Federation of Agriculture is reaching out weekly to Canadian farmers as the COVID-19 crisis continues, to identify any issues being caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and to your respective businesses.

Responses to this survey will be integral as we work with the Federal Government to support Canadian Agriculture effectively throughout this difficult situation.

Survey will be conducted weekly every Tuesday with results submitted to your Provincial General Manager and CFA Executive every Friday morning as crisis continues. Deadline every week will be end of day Thursday EST. Watch for survey reminders and be sure to participate where possible to have your voices heard.

Call out for available N95 masks, surgical masks, gloves, gowns, face shields
Businesses who are slow or closing given the circumstances and many may have supplies that are important in keeping frontline workers safe in the fight against COVID-19. If your business has available stock that could be put to immediate use by paramedic services and fire services, please let us know by contacting Required supplies include:

N95 masks, model number: 3M18710, 3M9210 or 3MVFlex. IF you have another available model of N95 let us know the model so we can assess if it is something we can use.
Nitrile gloves
Disposable impermeable gowns
General surgical masks

County key messages past 24 hours
Grey County is following recommendations of Public Health and the Province to do our part to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Grey County. All essential services continue to be delivered.
We trust our healthcare experts and we take their advice seriously.
Grey County facilities are now closed to the public. Support is available at the Administration Building during regular business hours to assist anyone in a crisis.
Many programs applications and services can be accessed electronically through or over the phone.
If necessary, County Staff can be redeployed to assist essential services in other departments.
All Grey County residents and businesses have a role to play in keeping our communities safe.
Maintain social distancing. Stay at least six feet away from others.
Follow the recommendations of Public Health officials to protect yourself.
Wash your hand soften with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Sneeze and cough into your sleeve
Avoid touching your eyes, nose of mouth
Avoid contact with people who are sick
Stay home if you are sick
Avoid unnecessary gatherings, especially large gatherings.
Ensure high-touch surfaces are cleaned often.
Grey County is grateful for the dedication of our frontline workers in health care, emergency services, long-term care and public health.
We owe a great deal of thanks to everyone on the frontline.
We will continue to support them as the situation progresses.
Residents should continue to follow the Grey Bruce Health Unit and Grey County websites for updates.
The situation continues to evolve quickly.
We will do our best to keep the public informed throughout the situation.
Follow Grey County and Public Health on social media for regular updates.
We are working diligently to protect the health of those in our long-term care facilities.

We know that the restriction to essential visitors only is very difficult for our long-term residents and their families. Later this week we will be rolling out Colour It Connect in our three long-term care homes. This initiative will help residents connect ‘face-to-face’ with their families using apps like Skype and FaceTime.

Here are some ideas for our general public to help support their local small businesses whilst complying with Public Health.
If you are financially able to do so:

Keep your memberships or decline refunds
Purchase gift cards to use later or shop birthday gifts early
Shop online from local retailers
Reschedule service appointments to later dates
Order delivery when available
Keep your eyes open for modified services and hours of operation with our local businesses

source: media release, Grey County


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