


meaford municipal officeThe Municipality of Meaford will be holding a special Council meeting electronically on Thursday April 2, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.

The only agenda item at this meeting will be to pass a by-law allowing future electronic meetings by Meaford Council to deal with urgent items related to the state of emergency. Council members will be joining the meeting digitally since the Ontario Government passed new legislation allowing municipalities to hold online meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As we continue to provide essential services to our community, Council may be required to meet to make certain decisions” said Clerk/Director of Community Services Matt Smith. “By passing this by-law it will allow us to hold future digital Council meetings as they are needed during this emergency.”

Meaford Council Chambers will continue to be closed. You can find the meeting agenda at, and watch the meeting online on the Municipality of Meaford’s Youtube channel.

If you’d like to make a deputation about this agenda, or items on future online meetings during the emergency, please do so in writing by e-mailing by noon on the day of the meeting. Deputations will be read during to Council during the meeting.

source: media release, Municipality of Meaford


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