


pumpkin seedsAs you are probably aware, Port Elgin Pumpkinfest has made the decision to go virtual on October 3, 2020 with a live webcast of the weigh-off, but no public attendance, due to COVID. The festival will not be the same format as the years prior, but we certainly do not want to give up the ever-popular Seed Spitting Event and Opening Ceremonies.

These events are historically a lot of fun and the community enjoys watching our VIP’s take part. With the opportunity to go “live” and add pre-taped interviews, talent and, of course seed spitting prowess we would like to invite you to submit a short video, filmed in the comfort of your own backyard, of you spitting and measuring your result.

We will use the footage in the live broadcast and announce the winner – asking him/her for additional footage accepting the accolades of receiving the “Silver Seed Award”.

In summary, the process:
Reply to this email with your mailing address and we’ll send you some seeds. Recently there has been a seed scam going around mailing seeds to addresses to collect their information. If you feel more comfortable we can drop off the seeds to you. Once you’ve received your seeds, have a family member or friend video your attempt (getting the spit and the measuring tape in the video)
Do not share your results – let us build the excitement!
Once the video has been filmed you can upload to the Google form linked below and fill out the required information.
Seed Spitting Form

We hope you can take part and have some fun with this. The community needs some fun!

source: media release, Pumpkinfest


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