


votequeenspark-by Bill Moses

We should all be aware that there is a provincial election in Ontario coming up next year. Recently Ontario started paying its Constituency Associations in each Constituency (Riding) $25,000 per year. This amount is split up amongst the Associations based on the percentage of votes received in the last election. In our area that roughly amounts to $12,500 per year for the Conservatives, $6,250 for the Liberals and $6,250 for the NDP and the Greens. Over a four year period that is $100,000 to be distributed, $50,000 to the Conservatives, $25,000 to the Liberals and so on.

What can this money be spent on? The answer is anything, as long as it is for a political purpose with the goal of electing the person

unifor- by David McLaren

A little while ago, Postmedia ran yet another editorial slamming civil servants and their unions for costing us all too much money and pointing to the private sector for how things should be – as if that's any kind of legitimate measures in these days of precarious work and even more precarious wages and benefits.

The editorial was, I believe, in support of a report from the right wing Fraser Institute that compared public sector wages and benefits with the public sector. It decided that the public employees were being overpaid. But you can use the same report to say that private sector workers are underpaid.And the data would back you up. Salaries for the vast majority of Canadians have stagnated over the past 30 years or risen only 2% --in other words...

10988091 754150564683146 5355908888928981144 nEchoing concerns raised recently by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), the National Farmers Union-Ontario Grey County Local 344 wishes to draw attention to the alarming trend of local school boards closing low enrolment schools.

"The boards are apparently closing the schools without considering the well-being of the students, their families and communities," said Brenda Hsueh, member of the NFU-O Grey County Local ...

shoes2- by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor

A beautiful day. A community celebration. And blood in my shoes.

My own fault really. I went to the Owen Sound Cultural Awards because I had nominated someone and I wanted to be there to support her. The day was so lovely and the street seemed dry so I figured I could skip the boots and walk to the Bayshore Community Centre in a solid pair of shoes. The kind that look nice at a special occasion, but aren't really built for distance. It was on the way home from one end of our city to the other that my heel started to bleed and I tried to focus on the bigger picture.

I own a car. My friend uses it to go to work in Chatsworth because there is no inter-town transportation and that's too far to walk. If

AgnesProfile-by David McLaren

In a recent opinion piece, Jim Merriam proposed a radical idea. He suggested that political parties work together. And, believe it or not, we Canadians want that too. As evidence he quoted the much maligned Liberal questionnaire on electoral reform: 70% of those of us who took it (transparency alert: I didn't) said they would prefer a system in which the parties would have to collectively agree before a decision is made.

Wow, that means compromise and consensus. Not exactly the order of the day in Parliament. In fact, it hasn't been the order of the last two decades, no three ... maybe four. Oh shucks, when has it ever been, really?

Jim's yearning for civilized and productive decision making puts me in mind of ...


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