- by Bill Moses
We are hearing a lot lately about the looming skilled worker crisis. The mantra is "Skilled workers will soon be retiring and there is no one to replace them." One solution being put forward is to encourage these skilled workers not to retire. "You will be happier and live longer!"
It used to be that a company would "bring along" young people to replace valued employees. Nowadays if you "bring along" a young person chances are that they will "move on to greener pastures". This means there has to be another way to "bring people along".
Sometimes though there is not enough time to get local people up to speed but fortunately there is a huge supply of skilled people in other countries who are willing to lend a hand. A good example of this is that there once was a shortage of trained police officers across Canada. The solution was to recruit them from England. Minimal cost to train them and so problem solved. Since that time I
The text of Community Schools Alliance Chair Doug Reycraft's comments to the Minister of Education Mitzie Hunter at the Rural Ontario Municipal Conference in January.
Madam Minister, on behalf of the executive committee of the Community Schools Alliance, which includes the mayors of Frontenac Islands and Georgian Bluffs, Mayor Doyle and Mayor Barfoot, who both requested an opportunity to speak with you during the conference, I thank you and your staff for offering us this meeting.
We are here today to add our voice to the students, parents, school councils, municipalities, and MPP's who have urged you to implement a moratorium on accommodation reviews and school closures until an education funding formula and a Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline that recognize the needs of rural Ontario are in place.
Our members include municipalities from all regions of the province and we've been getting frantic phone calls and emails from...
-by Kimberley Love
This week, our government announced that – after a year of heavy work on this file - changing our voting system has, for now, been dropped from the legislative agenda. That is a bitter pill for me, and for voters in this riding. But let's acknowledge, it's also a bitter disappointment for Justin Trudeau himself.
There are people who feel betrayed by ...
You won't remember me, but we met on two occasions during my teen years: once in Owen Sound and once in Ottawa. I'm 26 years old, self-employed, and working once again in Grey and Bruce counties in Ontario.
My vote -- like the vote of many of my peers -- has never counted. Although I've cast a ballot at every opportunity, I have never sent an elected official to Ottawa. I cast a Liberal ballot in 2015 based primarily on your promise of electoral reform. I was tired of not having a voice and I trusted that you would work to ensure that the votes of all Canadians were represented in the House of Commons.
I was subsequently disappointed by the poor design of the mydemocracy survey, and both angered and saddened by
-by Tarrah Young
I don't spend too much time engaging in debate on Facebook but last week, someone posted something which I see every few months- a picture of an apple with sticker on it showing a code. The code is apparently able to tell you if a fruit or vegetable has been genetically modified. I can never resist responding to these posts because they are very misleading. Firstly, the labeling of foods as genetically modified is voluntary, so even if this code were accurate, absolutely no one is coming forth and volunteering the information that their product is genetically modified. Second, the long supply chain between producer and retailer means that after the product has left the farm, no one actually knows if it was GM or not. Certain items are over 90% GM, such as corn and soy. But there are actually almost no fruit or vegetables which are available in stores that are genetically modified anyways, the one exception that comes to mind is...
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