


Eva-fullannefs-smallBy Anne Finlay- Stewart

"Libraries are at the heart of all our communities", began Aly Boltman, Executive Director of Community Foundation Grey Bruce as she announced a significant donation to the libraries of Grey, Bruce and local First Nations Territories. The $42,400 funding, believed to be "the first of its kind in reach and inclusiveness", comes from the Eva Leflar Donor Advised Endowed Fund, the largest fund within the Community Foundation.

In life, Eva Leflar was a gentle, generous benefactor of many arts and culture programs, especially those for children and their families. Since her passing in 2012, the proceeds from her bequest to the Community Foundation of six and a half million dollars continue to be used for the work that was closest to her heart.

"Eva would be delighted to see what is happening here today," said Fred Furness, one of the directors of the Eva Leflar Fund.

The money will be spread over 31 libraries in the region, "earmarked for programs and resources for young children and their families." Representatives of many of the recipient libraries attended the presentation still considering how specifically to use the funding which was only announced yesterday.

Nancy Kuhl, Branch Services and Program Coordinator for Bruce County Libraries, said the donation will help fund an innovative program due to be launched in January 2015 - "Me, You, and a Book Too". Every new baby born in Bruce County will receive a literacy kit including a book and a library card from their local public library.

This week is Ontario Public Library week, and Tim Nicholls Harrison, CEO of the Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library, was pleased to welcome his colleagues and city and county officials to our Carnegie wing to celebrate this recognition of the central place of public libraries in our communities.

Anne Finlay-Stewart is Community Editor of Owensoundhub.org. She can be reached at annekfs@gmail.com.


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