Ottawa/Queen's Park




As the newly elected Member of Parliament (elect) for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, I would like to offer the following:

I am deeply humbled and honoured to have been given the privilege of representing the constituents of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound in the House of Commons. This is a privilege I will not take lightly. I will do my utmost best to be a voice for our riding that will respect the trust and honour voters have granted me.

I would like to thank a number of groups now that the campaign has concluded.

First, I would like to thank my campaign team, my family and all the volunteers that supported me. Some of you have been with me since early in the nomination race while others continued to come forward to volunteer right up until the day of the election. A sincere heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you. An election campaign is a team sport and our success wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of everyone whether working in the office, canvassing doors, putting up/taking down signs, driving, making phone calls, fundraising, producing campaign products, scrutineering, or providing advice and counsel. I'll reach out to each and everyone of you separately over the coming days. Your countless hours of volunteering and work did not go unnoticed. Thank you.

Next, a big congratulations to the other candidates. It's not easy putting your name forward into the public limelight. The personal sacrifice to family and friends is tremendous. As was highlighted during the all-candidates meeting in Owen Sound, as a group we set the bar for how an election can be run cleanly, rationally and without negativity. I'm looking forward to a continued dialogue with each of you to make sure I fully understand the issues from the perspective of those that supported each of you. Great job Bill, Chris, Dan, Danielle and Michael to your respective campaign teams.

Finally, a thank you to each and everyone of you who voted. I've been in the countries where the privilege of voting is something still being fought for and where people are still dying to have this right. Participating in our democratic process is essential and something that I will always defend. For those of you that voted for me, thank you for trusting me. I won't let you down. For those that voted for one of the other great candidates in our riding, I am now your representative too. I encourage you to reach out and share your concerns with me. My job is first and foremost to listen to all constituents. I may not always agree with you but I will always listen. We live in the best country in the world and I personally believe we live in the best riding in Canada. Thank you!

Alex Ruff, MP (elect), Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound

For more information, please contact:
Constituency Office (will re-open soon)

1131 - 2nd Avenue East, Suite 208

Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 2J1

Tel: 519-371-1059 | Email:



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