Ottawa/Queen's Park




A grass roots group of Owen Sound twenty-somethings have received a grant from the Laidlaw Foundation to host a youth focused all candidates town hall meeting ahead of the June 7th Provincial election. We want to highlight the issues important to youth ages 14 to 29 and increase civic engagement in a demographic that is historically under represented.

The Youth Ask organizers are accepting question submissions from Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound constituents aged 14-29. The organizers will identify common themes, choose representative questions, and invite the people who submitted them to ask the candidates directly on Saturday, May 26th, the day of the event.

Interested youth can submit questions in writing or by video to
or through the Facebook page:

Questions should be directed generally as all candidates will respond to each. Following the town hall there will be a short information session for first time voters on how to register and find your polling station.

Although questions will be posed only by people 14 to 29, audience of any age are welcome to attend. We especially encourage young families. There will be activities and snacks for kids provided in the gym.

PLEASE SHARE this awesome initiative with any and all who might support it and add their voices.


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